Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Create a Backyard Pond with Tarps

You don’t have to hire a professional to create a backyard pond. A tarp lining can help you create a shallow pool to fill with water and add water-ready plants. Those beautiful plants will also attract birds, butterflies and other colorful wildlife.

If you’re on a very limited budget and don’t mind a temporary pond, water resistant tarps have been used as liners. However, water resistant tarps are not waterproof, so expect leakage.

For a sturdier pond ling, use a waterproof PVC tarp. Or, turn to rugged polyethylene containment liners from retailers like TarpSurplus.com. These specialty tarpaulins are 20 ml thick to resist tears and punctures, and they are cut to order to fit the size of your pond.

Photo Credit: Kyknoord via Compfight cc
Before you order a custom poly containment pond liner, accurately measure your future pond at the widest, longest and deepest points. Include room for an anchor trench that’s at least 12 inches wide and 12 inches deep. This trench is what helps prevent the liner from slipping down sloped ground.

When taking measurements, allow for the contraction and expansion that occurs when temperatures change during the year. Contraction can cause ripples to form on the pond liner, shrinking its original size.

You can find a free how-to chart to help you measure for a residential pond tarp on the Poly Containment/Pond Liners page at www.TarpSurplus.com. Print out this chart as a handy guide to ensure you don’t forget to include space for a trench and other landscaping features.

While it’s a tempting idea to visit a nearby creek or stream to find pretty water plants, you might be breaking local laws. Contact local parks departments or natural resources agencies to learn if removing certain plants from local waters is allowed.


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